The story of a photographer

This all started 11 years ago. My friends daughter was turning one and she wanted photo's taken. I didn't even have a camera or skills needed! But I had the drive. She let me use her camera that she didn't even use! I would stay up all night researching, reading and studying. We met up and I tried my best! She posted the photos to her social media accounts, that was it. I hit the ground running. I ended up buying that camera from her- I still have it! The OG ;)

I took a few photoshop classes at the local community college- and had a lot of trial/ error, frustration & wins- I kept going.

This leads us up to today- I am STILL learning. Photography is an ever changing industry, the one thing that never changes is the value the actual photographs hold.

I absolutely LOVE my career & I am forever grateful for all my clients that have made me a part of each important milestone in their lives!